Open Search Partner with DCC

Consultation on Initial Pallet Validation for GBCS4.1 CH Firmware

DCC is consultation on the need for Initial Pallet Validation for GBSC 4.1 Comms Hub Firmware.

This consultation intends to ensure that DCC and SEC Parties have clarity on the reasons, benefits, and impacts of IPV, so that the DCC Operational Criteria can be appropriately managed.

DCC would like SEC Parties to provide an outline of what they intend to test in the IPV phase against the scope of the release.

DCC would like to understand whether the IPV phase will be used to test the functionality in its entirety or only certain parts of it (the 2 CRPs and firmware upgrade capability to Prepayment Meter Interface Devices (PPMIDs) and Home Area Network Connected Auxiliary Load Control Switches (HCALCSs)).