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Consultation on a proposal to remove the 0x8F75 Alert from the Traffic Management Mechanism Document

DCC is seeking the views of Parties on a proposal to remove the 0x8F75 Alert from the Traffic Management Mechanism Document.

SECMP0062, implemented in May 2020, introduced a mechanism for the management and throttling of Alerts deemed spurious, thus reducing the volume of unnecessary Alerts sent across the Smart Metering network and handled by the DCC Total System. The Traffic Management Mechanism Document was introduced by SECMP0062 and is a list of Alerts excluded from the throttling mechanism. Any Alert Code in the exclusion list will never be subject to Alert Storm Protection meaning all Alerts with that code are communicated to recipients.

DCC has received feedback from SEC Parties that they wish Alert 0x8F75 to be removed from the exclusion list and for that Alert to be subject to throttling as set by the existing configuration parameters. By removing the Alert 0x8F75 from the exclusion list, the Alert will be passed to SEC Parties and be subject to throttling using the existing parameters as defined in the Traffic Management Mechanism Document.

DCC wishes to understand if the removal of Alert 0x8F75 from the Exclusion List would negatively impact any SEC Parties.

DCC welcomes Parties views on the proposed amendments by 28 September 2023.