On 8 December 2022, DCC issued a consultation seeking stakeholder views on proposed changes to the ‘Go Live’ ETMAD, EMRR and EMEHRA.
The consultation closed on 18 January 2023.
The attached conclusions document provides DCC’s response to the comments received via the consultation and details of additional changes to the Go Live ETMAD, EMRR and EMEHRA made as a result.
DCC has discussed this conclusions document with the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero, who will provide an update in due course regarding final amendments and designation of the documents mentioned above.
Additionally, in early 2022, DCC concluded a consultation on the SEC Subsidiary Document changes required for the ECoS arrangements. This covered changes to a number of SEC Appendices including the Service Request Processing Document (SRPD), Threshold Anomaly Detection Procedures (TADP), DCC User Interface Specification (DUIS), DCC User Interface Services Schedule (UISS) and the Inventory, Enrolment and Decommissioning Procedures (IEDP). This consultation ran from 24 September 2021 to 5 November 2021 and DCC published its conclusions document on 9 February 2022.
Through this conclusions document, and on behalf of the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero, DCC is seeking agreement from SEC Parties that the amendments to the SEC Subsidiary Documents as agreed in the consultation response document published on 9 February 2022, shall be designated on 29 June 2023 or as soon as reasonably practicable within one month thereafter. DCC welcomes responses to the following question by 4pm on Thursday 27 April 2023:
Overall, do you agree that the amended version of the Service Request Processing Document, Threshold Anomaly Detection Procedures, DCC User Interface Specification, DCC User Interface Services Schedule and the Inventory, Enrolment and Decommissioning Procedures as outlined in the conclusions document published on 9 February 2022 should be re-designated on 29 June 2023 (or, if necessary, as soon as reasonably practicable within one month thereafter)? If you do not, please indicate any areas of disagreement and the reasons for them. DCC will forward these responses to the Department.
Please provide responses by 16:00 on Thursday 27 April 2023 to DCC at consultations@smartdcc.co.uk.
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