This consultation proposes enduring regulatory changes that are required to introduce 4G Comms Hubs into the Central and South regions of the DCC System as well as the transitional arrangements that are required to enable this.
The introduction of 4G Comms Hubs means that DCC will be introducing new service providers and functionality within the DCC Total Systems, which will require the requisite testing. Once 4G Comms Hubs are capable of being installed, 2/3G Comms Hubs and 4G Comms Hubs will be operating in parallel in Central and South.
The SEC needs to be amended to reflect this situation and DCC is therefore proposing changes to the following SEC Subsidiary Documents: SEC Appendix H – Communications Hub Handover Support Materials (CHHSM), SEC Appendix I – Communications Hub Installation and Maintenance Support Material (CHIMSM), and SEC Appendix AD – DCC User Interface Specification (DUIS).
Section F13 of the SEC places an obligation on DCC to produce a Network Evolution Transition and Migration Approach Document (NETMAD). DCC is required to develop and consult on a first version of the NETMAD. This document is required to include rules required to support the transition and implementation of the DCC 4G service.
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