Latest consultations
We're keen to hear your views on a number of proposals we would like to make connected to our network.
Useful documents
You said, we did
Feedback closure reports
We're committed to working with our customers to ensure your voices are heard and we can work collaboratively to provide solutions. Your feedback helps us make informed decisions on our activities and deliver the most efficient and cost-effective outcomes for you.
Our Feedback Closure Reports summarise:
- key engagements that have taken place in a given period
- what we sought your views on and why
- what feedback you provided and how this informed our approach
Latest reports
How you can engage with us

SEC Panel and Sub-Committees
The Smart Energy Code (SEC) is the agreement that defines the rights and obligations of energy suppliers, network operators and other relevant parties involved in the management of smart metering in Great Britain.
The SEC Panel is responsible for managing the SEC.
We attend SEC Panel and all SEC Sub-Committees to gain input and support on our activities.

Quarterly Finance Forum
A forum where we present our charging statement for the upcoming year, as well as our 3-year financial forecast. It’s also an opportunity for us to update and discuss key programme updates.

Bi-lateral meetings
Senior level meetings to discuss customer needs, DCC performance and our strategic roadmap.

Programme specific events
These can include insight workshops, webinars and consultations.

Operations forum
This is a regular meeting for the DCC and our customers to discuss key aspects of service management. Representatives from all SEC Parties are invited to attend.
The Operations forum covers the following:
- Incident management
- Problem management
- Catalogue service requests
- Service Centre arrangements
- Change and release management
- Automation interface requirements
- Self-Service Interface (SSI) service management requirements

Design Release Forum
The Design Release Forum provides transparency at a design/technical level. Through the forum we engage with customers and encourage their input into the proposed design.
Further reading