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SMETS1 – DCC to re-visit Migration DUST Closure for FOC (BG)

An update on DCC’s proposal in September 2023 to end the provision of Migration DUST for the FOC (BG) cohort (where GroupID = “EA”).

In September 2023, DCC consulted on a regulatory change to the Migration Testing Approach Document (MTAD) to decommission the Migration DUST Testing Service for the FOC (BG) cohort.

During the consultation a stakeholder declared an ongoing interest in using this testing service. Thus, DCC is now not able to recommend this closure is pursued within the timelines that were proposed in the consultation document.

In order to be efficient and economic, DCC plans to bring forward a further consultation to seek closure of Migration DUST for FOC (BG) as soon as it is deemed reasonable to do so.

If you have any further queries on this matter, please contact us via