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SMETS1 Consultation: Alignment of Migration Testing and System Integration Testing

DCC is consulting on changes to the SEC Variation Testing Approach Document for SMETS1 Services (SMETS1 SVTAD) and the Migration Testing Approach Document for SMETS1 Services ('MTAD'). These changes relate to all forthcoming Capability Releases to provide alignment of System Integration Testing and Migration Testing.

DCC invites comments using the provided response template by Friday 6 September via

On 29 August 2019, DCC held a briefing call on the consultation relation to the alignment of Migration Testing and System Integration Testing using these slides. It is important to note that these slides set out a few additional changes envisaged to the MTAD / SMETS1 SVTAD. Stakeholders should consider these slides alongside the other consultation documentation when finalising their response to the consultation.