Open Search Partner with DCC

Response to the DCC consultation on changes to the ‘Pre Go Live’ ETMAD

DCC conclusions on its proposal to changes to the ETMAD ahead of Go Live to enable ECoS Certificates to be provided to the ECoS Party.

On 31 March 2023, DCC issued a consultation seeking stakeholder views on proposed changes to the existing version of the Enduring Change of Supplier (ECoS) Transition and Migration Approach Document (ETMAD) (version 2.0) or Smart Energy Code (SEC) Appendix AS, to be re-designated ahead of ECoS Go Live.

The consultation closed on 25 April 2023 and can be found here.

While no issues have been identified to prevent re-designation there have been ongoing discussions regarding the timing for the provision of Production ECoS Certificates. DCC’s conclusion is that the ECoS Certificates are not required ahead of ECoS Go Live and therefore the changes proposed in the consultation are not required.

The attached response document outlines the industry comments received on the ‘Pre Go Live’ ETMAD consultation and next steps.