On 19 December 2019, the DCC issued a consultation on a few distinct testing issues related to SMETS1. The consultation covers changes to the SEC Variation Testing Approach Document for SMETS1 Services (SMETS1 SVTAD) and the Migration Testing Approach Document for SMETS1 Services (MTAD) related to:
- the completion arrangements for the Process for Device Model Combination Testing (DMCT Process);
- clarification and alignment for exit criteria related to end of cycle testing covering Systems Integration Testing (SIT) and Migration Testing (MT); and
- provisions to allow firmware changes during testing for the Secure cohort of MOC.
The consultation also sets out our plans not to amend the Service Request Processing Document (SRPD) in the context of security fast track for SMETS1 Pending Product Combinations Tests (PPCT).
DCC invites comments using the provided response template by 1600 on Friday 17 January 2020 via consultations@smartdcc.co.uk.