Please click on the link below for our Elective Communications Services (ECS) questionnaire. It has 12 brief questions reflecting feedback and suggestions. You can complete this via computer or mobile telephone. We will publish anonymised results, review feedback themes, and report back to you on next steps with further information and proposed actions in May.
This questionnaire is now closed.
It might help you to refer to the Smart Energy Code (SEC) and the Licence. Look at the following sections to support your answer:
SEC Sections: H7.1-21; J4.5; K2.2, 7.5(f),7.7-7.11; K8.1- 8.9; X1.12.
Licence Part C: 17.7-17.13.
DCC has committed to engaging customers in a transparent way to enable a strong understanding of DCC plans and to enable customers to express their views on those plans. To do this DCC will signal clearly and early what we will engage on and the channel we will use, we will provide greater transparency in our engagement – sharing our evidence base for decisions where competition law, security and commercial sensitivities allow and share feedback we have received from customers and provide clear commentary on how input from customers has shaped our plans.
DCC engagement plans will fall in to one of three categories - inform: where we engage with industry to ensure transparency of action and costs; shape: where we outline and seek views on the proposed approach and the ultimate decision is with the DCC; or survey: where the decision about how to proceed sits with customers. The engagements will be simple, targeted and proportionate and be linked to our internal decision-making processes so that customer views are considered throughout the life-cycle of our programmes and projects and engagements will be early and often, keeping disruption to a minimum. This Elective Communications Services questionnaire Consultation fits into ‘shape’ where we will work with you to determine the approach as an initial first step.