In December 2018, we went out to consultation to gain a greater understanding of what our industry stakeholders would like to see in terms of more meaningful engagement. The consultation closed on 31 January with responses being received from a range of stakeholders including energy suppliers, distribution networks and trade organisations, as well as other smart metering market participants. We thank all those that took their time to respond to our consultation. The feedback and the responses to the consultation have been invaluable in helping us to shape a new approach to customer engagement, which is now detailed within our conclusions to DCC’s engagement with industry.
In June and July 2019, we held a series of customer and stakeholder workshops to define how we will deliver the new customer engagement strategy. The approach was shared at the workshops and the resulting feedback from customers and DCC’s response is published below, as well as further detail on how DCC intends to implement this new strategy. We will now be using a set of test cases to deliver on this new strategy, the outputs of which will be used to further refine the approach and any supporting materials.