Open Search Partner with DCC

Consultation on the “Go Live” version of the ECoS Transition and Migration Approach Document (ETMAD) – SEC Appendix AS

This consultation seeks stakeholder views on proposed drafting for the revised version of the ECoS Transition and Migration Approach Document (ETMAD) that needs to be re-designated to take effect and be re-incorporated into the Smart Energy Code (SEC), at the Enduring Change of Supplier (ECoS) Service Live Date, referred to as the “Go Live ETMAD”.

The initial version of the ETMAD was introduced into the SEC on 25 October 2021, at the time when the SEC main body changes required for ECoS came into effect.The primary purpose of this initial version of the ETMAD is essentially to undo the ECoS related main body SEC changes until the ECoS Migration commences. The Go Live ETMAD defines DCC and Supplier Party rights and obligations that are to be in place during the ECoS Migration Period. This includes changes to SEC provisions applicable during the transition from Transitional Change of Supplier (TCoS) to ECoS arrangements.

The proposed drafting of the Go Live ETMAD is attached to this consultation. Also attached is a consultation overview document that summarises the drafting and provides further context and background information.

The closing date for this consultation is Thursday 12 May 2022.