Open Search Partner with DCC

Conclusions on 4G Transition Strategy following collaborative workshops

DCC has been engaging with Energy Suppliers since 15 February 2023 on a transitional approach through a series of workshops with Industry stakeholders. This document comprises DCC’s conclusions on this engagement thus far in line with its LC13B milestone.

Section F13 of the SEC places an obligation on DCC to produce a Network Evolution Transition and Migration Approach Document (NETMAD). This document will include, amongst other things, any new or changes to existing rules that are required to support the transition to, and implementation of, the DCC 4G service.

DCC’s 4G programme LC13B milestones include one which is titled ‘conclusions of engagement on 4G Transition’ with a milestone date of 30 June 2023.

DCC has been engaging with Energy Suppliers since 15 February 2023 on a transitional strategy through a series of workshops, reviews and engagement with the SEC Panel and subcommittees. This document comprises DCC’s conclusions on the engagement thus far in line with its LC13B milestone.